There’s no one way that genre choices matter for musicians, but the genre you choose can certainly influence how employers view you. An eclectic music background can make you a more marketable candidate than…
The art of photography has come a long way from the days of darkrooms and film. Today, photographers have access to the latest and greatest equipment and the best software to help enhance their…
Art can be hard to define, but it can be even harder to define female representation in art. One definition is that art is visual work: all art involves visual elements. But visual elements…
Research is essential in both fiction and nonfiction writing. If you want to write an imaginary story set in a real city, finding out about the area will help you get a sense of…
I’m going to make a bold claim regarding villains in fantasy fiction. They don’t have to be evil. In fact, they don’t have to be dark at all. They can be any number of things:…
Art as a whole should not be presumed better on the basis of the techniques used in it. Your definition of classic vs. modern art might be shaped by a pop culture reference, or…
These days, it’s tough to find a photographer who doesn’t have a smartphone camera in hand. There are three main reasons why they hold such value in the modern age. First, they’re incredibly convenient….
There are several different types of USB microphones, but they all can be used to record your voice and music. USB microphones are especially useful when you want to record yourself at a friend’s…
Art is all around us, but it’s a rare person that actually has the time to draw or paint. Many of us have been taught to hold a pencil in our hands, but not…
If you’ve never noticed, clear lenses can be very foggy, especially when shooting into the sun. This is because the sun’s rays pass through the lens, and because of this, the light is scattered,…